Monday, March 19, 2012

Minute Meditation

I am inspired and gently coached, several days each month, by virtue of being a student at Benedictine University 

I thought this particular “Minute Meditation,” was especially a propos for this time of the year, and wanted to share with everyone.

I sincerely hope that in some small way, it might
help you re-energize your passion for your chosen field, while encouraging each person to reconnect in positive ways to students, colleagues and family.


Give up bitterness; turn to forgiveness. Give up hatred; return good for evil. Give up negativism; be positive. Give up complaining; be grateful. Give up pessimism; be an optimist. Give up harsh judgments; think kindly thoughts. Give up worry; trust divine providence. Give up discouragement; be full of hope. Give up anger; be more patient. Give up pettiness; be more mature. Give up gloom; enjoy the beauty around you. Give up jealousy; pray for trust. Give up gossiping; control your thoughts. Give up sin; turn to virtue.

--------- Catholic Extension Magazine

Listen and attend with the ear of your heart.” Saint Benedict

1 comment:

What positive thoughts would you like to share?