Monday, October 18, 2010

Changing Education Paradigms

Take a look at this video about changing education paradigms. This insightful video will change the way you look at education.

- Karen

Friday, October 8, 2010

Put First Things First

It is easy to recall what your priorities are when someone asks, but how often do we consciously think about our priorities and put them front and center in our daily lives? In the daily race to get things done, we often hear the complaint that there isn’t time for the important things we want to do. By the time the little yet time-consuming tasks are completed, there is no time left for the things on which we would really like to spend our time.
There is a solution to this frustrating cycle: put first things first. When we focus first on our main priorities, we find that not only do we have more time left to fit in the smaller tasks, but we also feel more fulfilled. This sense of satisfaction makes perfect sense. The things that we identify as our main priorities, those that we want to focus on, are the things that